Source code for plsxml.plsxml

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import ast
import zipfile
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et

__all__ = ['PLSXML']

[docs]class PLSXML(dict): """ A class for parsing PLS-CADD XML files. Parameters ---------- path : str or list, default is None A string or list of strings defining the ZIP or XML file path(s). If None, then no files will be loaded. tables : list, default is None A list of strings defining the table names to be loaded from the referenced XML files. If None, then all tables in the XML files will be parsed. verbose : bool, default is False If True, status messages will be printed during the parsing process. This can be useful to see the progress of long XML files. Examples -------- >>> from plsxml import PLSXML >>> from import data_path To load data from the intializer: >>> path = data_path('galloping') # DATA_FOLDER/galloping.xml >>> xml = PLSXML(path) You can add files after the initialization via the `append` method: >>> xml.append(path) The class is a subclass of a dictionary. Once loaded, data can be accessed via table name > column name > row index: >>> xml['galloping_ellipses_summary']['minimum_clearance_galloping_ellipse_method'][0] 'Single mid span' A summary of keys can be acquired via the `table_summary` method: >>> print(xml.table_summary()) galloping_ellipses_summary rowtext None structure 'TERM' set 1 phase 1 ahead_span_length 258.2 minimum_clearance_set 1 minimum_clearance_phase 2 minimum_clearance_galloping_ellipse_method 'Single mid span' minimum_clearance_distance 1.52 minimum_clearance_overlap 0.0 minimum_clearance_wind_from 'Left' minimum_clearance_mid_span_sag 12.15 minimum_clearance_insulator_swing_angle 0.0 minimum_clearance_span_swing_angle 63.1 minimum_clearance_major_axis_length 16.2 minimum_clearance_minor_axis_length 6.5 minimum_clearance_b_distance 3.0 """ def __init__(self, path=None, tables=None, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose if path is not None: if type(path) == str: path = [path] for x in path: self.append(x, tables)
[docs] def append(self, path, tables=None): """ Parses the input file into the class dictionary. If tables is None, all tables will be loaded. Otherwise, pass a list of the specific table names to be parsed. Parameters ---------- path : str A string defining the XML file path. tables : list, default is None A list of strings defining the table names to be loaded from the referenced XML file. If None, then all tables in the XML file will be parsed. """ def is_xml(p): fname, ext = os.path.splitext(p) return ext in valid_ext and not _print = self._print_func() valid_ext = {'.xml'} # Valid extensions excl_ext = re.compile('__MACOSX|\.') # Excluded regex expressions if tables is not None: if isinstance(tables, str): tables = {tables} else: tables = set(tables) # Zipfile if zipfile.is_zipfile(path): with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zf: for x in zf.namelist(): if is_xml(x): with, 'r') as fh: _print('Parsing:', path, x) self._load_xml(fh, tables) # XML elif os.path.isfile(path) and is_xml(path): with open(path, 'rb') as fh: _print('Parsing:', path) self._load_xml(fh, tables) else: print('Append Skipped:: {!r} is not a valid path.'.format(path))
def _print_func(self): """ If the `verbose` property is True, returns the standard print function. Otherwise, returns a function that does nothing. """ def no_print(*args): return if self.verbose: return print return no_print def _load_xml(self, source, tables): """ Loads the input file into the class dictionary. If tables is None, all tables will be loaded. Otherwise, pass a list of the specific table names to be parsed. Parameters ---------- source : file handle A file handle for the XML file. tables : list, default is None A list of strings defining the table names to be loaded from the referenced XML file. If None, then all tables in the XML file will be parsed. """ def convert_type(data): """Converts data into appropriate type if it can.""" try: return ast.literal_eval(data) except: return data tablesdict = {} table = obj = titledetail = None excl_tags = {'source_file'} _print = self._print_func() for event, e in et.iterparse(source, events=('start', 'end')): # Start event if event == 'start': if e.tag == 'table': # Check if table is to be loaded and perform setup if it is if (tables is None) or (e.attrib['tagname'] in tables): table = e.attrib['tagname'] titledetail = e.attrib['titledetail'] _print('Loading:', table) if table not in tablesdict: tablesdict[table] = [] elif (table is not None) and (obj is None) and (e.tag not in excl_tags): # Create new dictionary obj = e.tag odict = {} if titledetail not in {None, ''}: # Title details are included in some POLE and TOWER reports odict['titledetail'] = convert_type(titledetail) # End event elif event == 'end': if e.tag == 'table': table = obj = titledetail = None elif (table is not None) and (e.tag == obj): tablesdict[table].append(odict) obj = None elif obj is not None: odict[e.tag] = convert_type(e.text) e.clear() for k in list(tablesdict): d = tablesdict.pop(k) if k in self: self[k].append(d, sort=False) _print('Dropping Duplicates:', k) self[k].drop_duplicates(inplace=True) else: self[k] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d) # Create new dataframe with columns in order. self[k] = self[k][list(d[0])].copy()
[docs] def table_summary(self): """ Returns a string of all parsed tables, keys, and example values. """ s = '' for table in sorted(self): s += '\n{:s}\n'.format(table) for key in self[table]: v = self[table][key][0] s += '\t{!s:60}\t{}\n'.format(key, v) return s